The Great Wall of China was built to protect the Empire from invasions for centuries!
Our models are created from scratch by hand and brain in SolidWorks to ensure printability, using photographs and blueprints to create a beautiful and stylized version of your favorite landmarks. We focus on details that will bring a smile out of both a child and an architect. Please give credit, it's all about spreading culture! All Credit given to MiniWorld3D
Multiple sizes and colors available, this is a perfect gift for any fan of great architecture, history, landmarks, wonders of the world, Asia, or China!
Design Credit goes to MiniWorld3D
Photo Credit goes to @dasinnovations, @MiniWorld3D, @Fernanditen, @JuniorGeneral, @maxgorham, @Slimprint,
We always try to put your item in the mail on the same day of your order! That's faster than amazon! If you would like a color we have not listed please feel free to ask and we will try and make it happen. If there is something custom you would like made also please feel free to ask!
Free Shipping on all orders over $50
Materials: Plastic.